Sharing this so you can feel better too
8 things I invited myself to this week. New perspectives, recommendations, and journal prompts
Soul Diaries is a free subscription consisting of several monthly posts but if you love what you find here and feel like going deeper, consider taking the paid version to access extra writings and resources (meditations, coaching and journaling exercises, audio reflections of mine...).
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Before starting my letter, I would like to ask you to not read that and forget about it.
I would like you to engage with it in case it resonates and please, play a role here. This is a relational space and as I’m sharing this with you, I would love to hear from you in the comments, liking the post, saving it, re-stacking, or sharing it in notes (all the options are listed at the end of my writing), sharing it on Instagram mentioning me so I can see it, or sending it by email to somebody else.
Please help that all the words I’m typing here, help more people. Your support is essential.
That’s an invitation to grow all together and be more connected when you share your ideas, insights, and everything. Thank you in advance!
This week I was going to send another letter but at the very last minute I decided to share what was going on at this exact moment so I will share with you the other next week and it will be very interesting for the ones who have a business or are thinking about having one.
I will share with you one of the experiences I experienced when I started my actual business, the time I decided to quit for a short time my practice because I was not feeling good enough, was suffering anxiety before every session… This will be next Sunday, only for paid subscribers.
*Please note that this email may be too long for email, so if the newsletter is cut off at the end, you might need to click on "View entire message" at the bottom in order to see the entire post (Read in the app).
This past week has not been easy.
I’ve been feeling very depleted energetically.
My health felt very low. At some moments I didn’t know what to do. Sometimes I feel hopeless. Because I tried many things to help myself and it’s not always working… As a person with some hormonal imbalances, migraines, and digestive issues, I tried so many things over the years but it’s not something easy and simple.
I knew some time ago, not very long ago actually, that what I mostly have is a result of past trauma causing me issues in the physical body (autoimmune disorders).
Today I have this pretty much integrated into me but I’m searching for ways of removing some of the pain and imbalances of course. Accepting while I’m bringing myself chances to feel better.
So this week I asked for extra help.
I went to see and talk to people I trust.
And I felt supported.
I supported myself too.
I decided and actively slowed down.
I’ve got some interesting and powerful conversations and I want to bring here some of the things that helped me to go through the week.
So expect to read #8 things that help me to stay well and balance even when the time is hard in some way.
That’s something we will explore as well at the Feel Good Retreat I’m hosting in May in Portugal. How we can support ourselves daily, also when times are challenging. We will do it exploring rituals and daily practices and ways to work in our mindset through coaching exercises. Retreat will be Spanish-English.
That letter is a kind of an evolution of the previous newsletters where I was sharing recommendations. Here you have them, one is open to everybody, the second one is for only paid subscribers.
The one you are reading now is open but the following ones, because I intend to bring this kind of sharing regularly (I believe this can help all of us), will be private.
#1 Journal Prompts
Have a sit, grab your pen and journal and take some time to answer those questions.
How Can I support myself when I need it the most?
What things I can do for myself so I can feel better?
What can I release that will make me feel lighter?
In this post I wrote some weeks ago you can find some inspiration.
#2 A reflection
Talking with a friend about self-worth and relationships, we ended up seeing something that is interesting and something we need to think about:
How incoherent it is that we try so hard to love ourselves and then, we diminish ourselves to not make others feel bad with our light? Does it make any sense? Not at all.
#3 Experimenting with…
I have observed myself talking so negatively lately about some aspects of my life, including my health.
Things I was feeling were not going well, so I hyperfocus on the bad side of each of those aspects which led me to a lack of mentality. I can be right about the complaints but anyway, how will it help just talking and blaming and being mad about it all the time? Also in your head, not also talking to others. Stop yourself from those cycles.
Focusing on the negative, on what we don’t have, how can that be helpful?
So I challenge myself to stop acting this way and I invited myself to reframe my speech and focus on all the good things I already have in each of those aspects.
Would you like to give it a try? It’s kind of a GRATITUDE EXERCISE.
It can look something like:
Instead of blaming because I feel pain, I put my attention in all the help I’m giving myself in order to heal; I bring my attention into the healing process I’m in and I offer me comfort in ways that help so the pain is not that predominant. Does it make sense for you?
#4 Mantra for the week
I’m taking one affirmation or mantra per week to work on it for at least 7 days (sometimes more), so I put all my heart and attention into that only thing, making it easy to work, improve, and integrate it.
We tend to wish to change/transform/improve so many things at the same time and I find it hard and overwhelming.
You might see yourself wanting to,
Love yourself more
Build your trust and confidence
Reframe your mentality regarding money
You want to feel abundant
But if you work on all these things at the same time (sometimes even more), you’re asking yourself too much. Why don’t we try one thing at a time? Mine for that week:
“There's no rush.
All is fine, you have time, there's no need to run”
#5 I started something new
I went to the sauna and I’m compromising myself to do it once a week for at least 1 month to give it a chance and feel the benefits from it.
It is said that sauna helps…
to relieve muscle pain, rheumatism, arthritis, pain and stiffness
strengthen the immune system and defences
cares for the skin for deep cleansing
stimulates blood pressure and the cardiovascular system:
it’s purifying and has a detoxifying effect
it’s anti-stress and relaxing
#6 A book recommendation
I ended up reading another book from Michael Singer and again, I loved it.
The Surrender Experiment, I really recommend it.
Specifically in that week, I was at some points fighting with myself and life in general, I needed that reminder to just surrender, trust, and open myself to what life is offering me right now.
#7 A decision
I decided to stick to something specific (the sauna can be an example) for enough time so I could see the results.
We most of the time are asking for immediate results but things don’t work that way. We need to be patient, cultivate some trust, and let the things do their own thing at their rhythm.
Give yourself enough time, stay in that thing you’re trying and put your heart on it.
If you’re working with a therapist, with a specific therapy or treatment, YOU NEED TO ALLOW things to happen. Go slow, don’t rush the process.
#8 Access to the things you know that help you
Aka your tool kit, your box of resources, and things that are good for you in most of circumstances.
In my case, as always I said, definitely, my daily rituals (most of them are included and shared in my online membership, Dentro Studio) and also, therapy/coaching, so I sat for one hour last with my therapist and I felt much much better. It’s amazing when you have that person with whom you connect and feel safe to share and cry and bring everything to the table because you feel safe, with no judgment, somebody who’s seeing and holding you.
I also introduced in my daily routine, once again (I did it for several months in different periods of my life), the meditation “Liberación emocional” which you can find on my membership Dentro Studio together with some other amazing tools I shared and created to support us.
In my tool kit, there’s also rest and I allowed myself to double the time to rest and I let myself even cancel a few appointments I had on my schedule so I could flow more calmly over the week.
Other articles that can help you with your rituals and practices.
So that’s all for today. I hope all these insights, revelations, and sharings help you to support yourself too and give you permission to slow down, cancel anything that’s needed, ask for help, be kinder with yourself, and definitely, befriend and love yourself so you act caring for your needs.
You’re doing great and you must remember it.
Have a wonderful Sunday and a marvelous week ahead,
With Love,
(PD: And remember, I would love to hear from you, you can always leave here a comment and share that space with others. Thanks a lot!)
You can see my coaching and therapy proposals in English here
In Spanish, all in here:
Feel Good Retreat, 10-12th May in Portugal. A nourishing weekend to experience what it is to feel good. Slowing down, rituals and daily practices to take care of you, coaching sessions in group to work deeper in yourself towards your authenticity. All details here, Spanish or English.
my online membership Dentro Studio - a private space in community for your growth and expansion. Proposals and tools to work on you (workshops, journaling exercises, yoga, meditation, breathwork, etc).