The Mastery of Living a Good Life
What can we do to really live a Good Life? How can we give it to us?
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Pict. Blonde on Film
It’s been one month since we started the year and I felt a little bit all over the place, meaning… I’ve been involved in too many things and that didn’t let me fully focus on myself.
I rapidly, since the year started, compromised myself with so many things, wanting to make more things than reasonably possible so I ended up in January being a little overwhelmed, to tell you the truth.
And that’s kind of my “Achilles heel” and since I’ve been for years very in tune with myself, deep into the art of knowing myself more and better, I’m capable of seeing those things more and more quickly and I’m able to edit-change, make it different if the way taken is not suiting me.
Consciousness and acting in consequence
And being able to do that (aka seeing what you are living or where you are at, discerning the discomfort, seeing that’s not how you want to be) and start seeing how you can modify it in a more comforting way for you, believe me, is a way to master living a good life. Because you’re seeing what’s a “NO” for you and you’re deciding and taking action towards what it’s a “YES”.
If you are on the paid version of Soul Diaries, you can keep reading and know more about how you can re-direct yourself when you are not leading you where you want, when you’re not feeling good. I will share my own experience and also share some tips to support you on your own journey. Expect some journal prompts.
If you are not part of the paid version, my words for today end here. Remember that by joining my space in the paid version, you are not only accessing extra resources but you are also supporting and valuing my profession as a coach, psychologist and writer.