4 Comentarios

Siento que a veces he decidido desconectarme emocionalmente de forma inconsciente como manera de protegerme. Esto lo he entendido luego con el tiempo. A veces no estamos preparados para sentir porque no lo estamos para tomar ciertas decisiones.

Gracias por tu post!

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Es cierto, a veces no se está preparado… por más que se quiera e intente. Mucha paciencia diría… y compasión con uno mismo! Un abrazo fuerte

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You've touched my feelings once again, as I became of feeling my emotional side, the first time when I was in my 30s. It was during our first session with a marriage counselor. My wife shared her feelings, then it was my turn. I described my physical feelings, but had never thought I had emotional feelings. The counselor explained emotions and I was surprised. It took me a few days to understand that, but I kept wondering what emotions really felt like. Time has moved on, and with it, my emotional boundaries have expanded as well. That's why your writings fall deep within my soul, which is why I read you carefully and feel the depths of my soul. Thank you for your insights and wisdom.

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I keep saying that being in touch with our emotions and feelings is really brave, not comfortable at all but it gives us insights and experiences that we can't feel and have if we don't open ourselves to them to feel. Congratulations for your own journey, so beautiful to read your words, thanks for sharing!

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