Off coffee, off Instagram, off a few other things
The past weeks I've been being off a few things to experiment with some cleanness, freedom, new perspectives, health, and reframing some of the relationships I have with some specific things
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One month ago, after talking with my acupunturist and having some major insights from our conversation, I decided to quit coffee. Believe me if I tell you that this is one of the hardest things for me. I eat very healthy and lattes (with coffee) are my only whim.
Quitting coffee was on the table for a while but I was not feeling strong enough to take that step. I know, it seems funny because I made major moves in my life but I couldn’t. I couldn’t because I didn't decide to make it. I didn’t want to compromise myself with that. My dialogue was something like:
“I’m doing everything perfectly. Do I really need to give this thing up, when it feels so so good? Do I need to say goodbye to something that I love so much?”
I couldn't take the step until after a few days of not feeling very well on my health, my therapist said to me:
“This is only on your hands. Do you want to feel good, feel better? So keeping on coffee, what’s the point in that moment? It’s your choice but seeing how you’re feeling, I think you must take into consideration”
We many times express we want to feel good, and live a good life, but,
Are we taking the steps and actions to move ourselves towards that?
Are we compromising ourselves, doing what’s needed?
That’s something we will explore deeply in my retreat in May in Portugal. How we say certain things and then we don’t find the courage or even guidance and tools to move towards it.
The words of my therapist touched me deeply and I decided at that moment that it was done, settled, decided. I was stopping for a while. I didn’t know for how long but I felt I needed to give it a try and see how it felt.
Other decisions, I keep quitting things
Being already 2 weeks off of coffee, I decided, easily, to quit Instagram for a week.
And I decided to join my friend’s Isabelle cleansing (something you can still join if you’d like to follow an Ayurveda cleansing).
From where did all those decisions come from?
Our bodies are speaking to us in many ways and forms, especially if you are an extremely sensitive person. And if the body speaks, if our nervous system is talking to us, my advice is to listen and take into account what’s been expressed.
In my case, I was feeling the call to clean, to let go, to trust in certain things.
When you give yourself that time and space, you can, from observation, see clearly, outside the picture. Taking distance helps and you can from there, be the observer and not react, feeling more in tune with your decisions and acting from a more conscious place.
If you are on the paid version of Soul Diaries, you can keep reading to see what a cleansing can give to you physically and emotionally. How it looked like and what practices I took during this time, women I’ve been reading to feel more inspired on that journey and my insights from that time and experience.
If you are not part of the paid version, my words for today end here. Remember that by joining my space in the paid version, you are not only accessing extra resources but you are also supporting and valuing my profession as a coach, psychologist and writer.
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